
Photos by me and Jane Leppmets
Editing me

Oleme lõpule jõudmas Itaalia fotoblogiga. Veel viimane linn - Veneetsia. Imeilus aga meeletult palju turiste. Olles mereinimene, mõjus sealsetes kanalites olev pidev veemulin kuidagi rahustavalt. Nii veetsimegi enamiku ajast aeglaselt ringi tuuseldades, paadisildadel istudes ja mozarellat süües. Seda viimast sai selle nädala jooksul ikka päris palju tarbitud. Nagu ikka ei möödu kõik aga ilma sekeldusteta ka viimasel minutil. Nimelt suutsime ühest tagasilennust maha jääda, kuid lõpuks lahenes kõik hästi. AITÄH ITAALIA seiklusrohke nädala eest!

We have finally coming to end with Italy photoblog. Last city remaining - Venice. Incredible but filled with tourists. Although we didn't let us bother by it. Since I am a sea person, the water in canals made me calm and most of the time we were just chilling on streets, realxing on boat bridges or eating mozarella (this became a big favorite through this week). Although we just can't travel without any adventures.. As said, we missed one of our flights. In the end everything went well but probably I have one extra gray hair after this. But still THANK YOU ITALY for an amazing week!

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